
Accredited FM professionals understand the role of FM in business, how it affects the fourth bottom line, and how it can be used to promote sustainable, eco-friendly business practices, whilst also saving costs. It might sound like a fantasy, but a top-level FM professional can do just that and more. Luckily for local business, the number of Designated FM Professionals in South Africa is growing, and there's fierce competition at the top to be the best in the field.

SAFMA offers four accredited Professional Designations. These not only give FM professionals credibility and acknowledge experience, they also provide a measure of accountability, as each designated professional must sign a code of conduct. These designations range from Certified Facilities Practitioner through to Accredited Facilities Professional. It is important to note that even the highest designation can be achieved through Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience, and not only through a combination of formal degrees and experience, making a Professional Designation accessible to anyone in the FM industry, regardless of age, gender, or race.